Enable Dashboard Widgets

Widgets are tables and graphs of summary data displayed on the Dashboard. This table lists all Deltek Talent Management widgets and identifies the Feature toggles that enable them for your company's users.


Users can add widgets to the Dashboard and re-order them as desired. However, you must first enable the widgets in order for them to appear as options on the Dashboard.

This table lists all available Deltek Talent Management widgets and the corresponding Features that enable them. The options that are available to you and your users may vary based on the features and modules that have been enabled for your company, as well as each individual's role within your organization.

To enable a specific widget, please locate and select the check box next to the setting indicated in the Feature Toggle column.

Widget Name Description Feature Toggle
Mini-Calendar This displays the current month and highlights any days for which you have scheduled events. Clicking on a hyperlinked day will take you to that date in the main Calendar. See My Calendar . Core Widgets > Mini-Calendar
Offboarded Employees This displays any offboarded employees with pending tasks that need to be reassigned. Clicking an employee name redirects you to the Reassign Pending Items screen. See Reassign Pending Items Screen. User Management


Widget Name Description Feature Toggle
Activity Since Last Login This lists a variety of activities that have taken place since the last time you logged in. Clicking the hyperlinked number takes you to the management page for that section.
  • # of New Résumés Submissions to My Requisitions: This number indicates how many résumés have been submitted to your requisitions
  • # of New Passive Résumés Created: This number indicates how many résumés were entered into the system that were not submitted to any requisitions.
  • # of Interview Invitation Responses: This indicates the number of responses you have received from candidates to whom you have sent an interview request.
  • Offers Accepted/Rejected by Candidates: This indicates the number of your offers that have received candidate responses.
  • Requisitions Approved/Rejected: This indicates the number of requisitions that have been approved or rejected.
Applicant Tracking Widgets > Activity Since Last Login
Candidates by Source This displays the number of candidates in real time and is grouped according to their Referral Source. By default, this widget displays the last 30-day information, but you can click Change Settings to edit the date range. Click on a pie section to view the candidates from that source. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Candidates by Source
Candidates by Status This displays the number of candidates in real time and is grouped according to their current Status (Phone Screen, 1st Interview, Offers Extended, etc.). By default, this widget displays the last 30-day information, but you can click Change Settings to edit the date range. Click on a pie section to view the candidates in that status. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Candidates by Status
E-Verify Case Alerts This displays the number of candidates in real time and is grouped according to their current Status (Phone Screen, 1st Interview, Offers Extended, etc.). By default, this widget displays the last 30-day information, but you can click Change Settings to edit the date range. Click on a pie section to view the candidates in that status. Integrations > E-Verify > Case Alert Widget
My Activity This displays the count in real time for each action in the selected date range. By default, this widget displays all the data in that activity type. Clicking the hyperlinked number takes you to the management page for that section. Applicant Tracking Widgets > My Activity
My ATS Averages (last 30 days) This displays the average count in number of days for the following Recruiting activities.
  • Days to Fill a Requisition
  • Days to Hire
  • Screened In Rate
  • Screened Out Rate
Applicant Tracking Widgets > My Averages
My Candidates This displays the most recent candidates for your requisitions. The information is shown in chronological order based on the last status change date. Applicant Tracking Widgets > My Candidates
My New Résumé Submissions This displays the most recent résumés for your requisitions. The information is shown in chronological order based on the the résumé's application date. Applicant Tracking Widgets > My New Résumé Submissions
My New Résumés/CVs and Candidate Pipeline This provides a cumulative view of all submitted résumés and the candidates associated with requisitions that have been created from a particular Job Profile. Click the hyperlinked number to view the listing. This is available only if the Hourly Module is enabled. Hourly Module > New Résumés/CVs and Candidate Pipeline
Onboarding Status This provides a quick overview of the Onboarding status of new hires. It can also display new hires that have not yet had Onboarding initiated for them. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Onboarding Status
Onboarding Tasks This displays the onboarding tasks that require your action. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Onboarding Tasks Widget
Quick Job Posting Widget This give you a quick way to post jobs. If information, such as Job Type for example, has been specified in the Job Profile, then that selection displays as a read-only field and cannot be changed. If there are additional required fields on the requisition form, then a modal window displays after you click Post a Job Opening, allowing you to complete the required fields. This is available only if the Hourly Module is enabled. Hourly Module > Quick Job Posting Widget
Recent Requisitions This displays the requisitions assigned to you and indicates the number of newly-submitted résumés as well as the candidates currently attached to the requisitions. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Recent Requisitions
Résumé E-mail Reader Instructions This displays instructions about how to upload résumés by e-mail. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Résumé/CV Email Reader
Requisitions by Status This displays the number of requisitions in real time and is grouped according to their current Status, such as Pending Approval, Open, Filled, etc. By default, this widget displays the last 30-day information, but you can click Change Settings to edit the date range. Click on a chart section to view the requisitions in that status. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Requisitions by Status
Search Requisitions his allows you to use keywords to search for requisitions according to Requisition Number, Job Title, and/or Description. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Search Requisitions
Search Candidates This allows you to search for a candidate by Candidate Name or E-mail. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Search Candidates
Search Résumés This allows you to perform a quick search for résumés using Keywords, First Name, Last Name and/or E-mail. If your company has the OFCCP compliance feature enabled, then you will be asked to first select a requisition before performing a quick search. Applicant Tracking Widgets > Search Résumés


Widget Name Description Feature Toggle
Active Appraisals This gives managers quick access to any active appraisals or 360 reviews in progress for their direct reports. If the appraisal is on a schedule, the Phase End Date will display in the widget. Clicking on the appraisal name redirects you to the selected appraisal. Performance Management Widgets > Active Appraisal widget feature
Continuous Feedback This displays the sessions you have created for your direct reports as well as the sessions created for you by your manager. Performance Management Widgets > Continuous Feedback Widget
Goal Completion for Team This allows managers to track the progress of their employee’s performance goals. You can expand each employee’s section to view their goal details. From there, you can see whether goals have not been set, as well as progress status information such as Start Date, Target Date and Current Status. Clicking the appraisal name redirects you to the employee’s Goals page within the appraisal. Performance Management Widgets > Goal Completion for Team
Goal Completion Status The shows the progress of each goal and can be expanded to display additional details such as Start Date, Target Date, Progress, and Current Status. Performance Management Widgets > Goal Completion Status
New Pending Appraisals This lists the manager’s direct reports and other employees with appraisals ready to be scored. Click the name to view the appraisal. Performance Management Widgets > New Pending Appraisals
Phase Overview This displays the percentage of a manager’s direct employees in each phase of their primary appraisal. Click the pie chart to access the My Employees to manage the employees’ appraisals. See My Employees Screen for more information about this screen. Performance Management Widgets > Phase Overview
Search Employees This widget makes the Employees option available in the Quick Search sub-menu. See Sub-Menu for more information about the Quick Search functionality. Performance Management Widgets > Search Employees


Widget Name Description Feature Toggle
Classes Just Added displays shows the 10 most recently-added classes, and displays their Start Date and End Date. Learning Widgets > Classes Just Added
Completed Class Assignments and Tests Completed Class Assignments and Tests Learning Widgets > Assignments & Tests
Employee Monthly Class Participation Statistics This displays your direct reports who have completed or are enrolled into a class during the current month. The default view is five direct reports, but you can click Change Settings to increase the view. Learning Widgets > Employees Monthly Class Participation Statistics
Enrollment Statistics This is available to class instructors if the class Status is Open or Registering. Each class displays the number of enrolled students, the maximum and minimum number of students for the class, and the remaining open slots for the class. Learning Widgets > Enrollment Statistics
My Learning Path Completion Status This graph shows the percentage of learning path completion per employee enrolled and approved in each learning path. Learning Widgets > My Learning Path Completion Status
New Skills Added This lists the new skills your employees have added and are awaiting your approval. Learning Widgets > New Skills Added
Pending Certificates This lists the certificates that are ready to be granted to employees. Click the number to take that action. Learning Widgets > Pending Certificates
Search Classes This allows you to search for classes. Enter all or part of a class name to find a match. Learning Widgets > Search Classes
Top Courses by Enrollment This graph shows the courses with the highest number of currently enrolled students. The default view lists five courses, but you can click Change Settings to increase the view. Learning Widgets > Top Courses by Enrollment


Widget Name Description Feature Toggle
9 Box This allows you to quickly assess your team’s performance and potential via the dashboard. Click through to view the details of the employees in each segment. 9 Box
Career Path Progress This bar chart shows where you are in your Career Path. For example, if you have 4 jobs listed to get to your ultimate job, and you are in the third job, your path progress is at 75%. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Career Path Progress
Competency Fit This compares the required competencies for the job against those held by the employee. Clicking the icon launches a polar graph allowing you to easily identify how closely the employee fits the requirements. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Competency Fit
Development Plan Completion Status This bar chart shows the completion percentage of your Personal Development Plan. Click the bar to access the profile of your development plan. There are no filter options for this widget, but it is available to any employee. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Development Plan Completion Status
Development Progress This allows managers to track the Development Plan progress of their direct reports. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Development Progress
Employees with Active Career Paths This chart shows the percentage of a manager’s direct reports with an active career path. Clicking the chart launches the My Employees screen. See My Employees Screen for more information about this screen. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Employees With Active Career Paths
My Plans with Successors This percentage chart shows your Succession Plans that have a list of potential replacements versus those without potential replacements. Click the chart to view the My Succession Plans screen. See My Succession Plans Screen for more information about this screen. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > My Plans With Successors
New Skills and Competencies This allows managers to view the names of their direct reports who have added skills or competencies to their profile. The skills and competencies listed here require manager endorsement or approval before they can be added to the employee's Total Talent Profile. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > New Skills & Competencies
Top Career Paths This table lists the most popular active career paths and shows the number of employees on the path displayed. Career Development & Succession Planning Widgets > Top Career Paths