Continuous Feedback Tab of Project Teams

Use the Continuous Feedback tab to create and manage Feedback Sessions for members of a Project Team.


The Project Team Continuous Feedback tab takes the model of the Standard Continuous Feedback screen and targets it for the members of a project team. Sessions created on this tab are created between the Project Team Leads and the members of the team. When a Project Team Lead, Team Owner, or administrator views this tab, all team members are listed. For those members with continuous feedback sessions, a drop-down arrow displays. Click the arrow for a quick view of details, such as the Status. Click the name of a session to view more details, to perform actions such as editing, and to send messages.

The default participants of a session are the Project Team Lead and the team member for which the session is being created.

Field Description
Subject/Member For Project Team members this column is labeled Subject and contains the reason for the feedback session. Click this link to open the Continuous Feedback Sessions screen. Project Team Leads, Team Owners and Administrators will see all team members listed on this tab, and this first column will be labeled Members. For those members with continuous feedback sessions, a drop-down arrow displays. Click the arrow for a quick view of details, such as the Status. Click the name of a session to view more details, to perform actions such as editing, and to send messages.
Project Owner/Lead The Project Team Lead of the selected project.
Employee The employee for which the session was created.
Status The state of the session.
  • Pending: This indicates the session was created but not yet accepted by the other party.
  • Accepted: This indicates the other party has accepted the session.
  • Completed: This indicates both parties have signed off to end the session.
Date/Time The date and time for the session.
Progress An indication of the progress of the task or goal, if Progress is being tracked for the session. For example, On Track or At Risk.


Options available depend on whether you are a team member or a Project Team Lead, Team Owner or Administrator.

At any time before the session is marked Completed, participants of a session can write messages to the other parties within a feedback session by clicking the session name link and scrolling to the Notes area. Click Reply to respond to an existing message thread, or click New Message to begin a new thread.

Field Description
Create New Session T:\HRsmart Icons\edit.png: Project Team Leads, Team Owners, and Administrators can click the Create New Session icon T:\HRsmart Icons\edit.png, found next to a member name, to open the Create New Continuous Feedback Session screen. Enter details of the session on the screen and click Submit when finished.
Accept : If a session has been created by another party, an Accept option displays in the Action menu for that session. Clicking Accept changes the Status, displayed on this screen from Pending to Accepted.
Signature : Click this icon to sign off on this session. When all parties have signed off, the Status of the session moves to Completed.
Edit Session T:\HRsmart Icons\edit.png: Click this icon to make changes to details about the session.
Delete : If you are a Project Team Lead or an administrator, or the team member who created the session, you can click the Delete icon to delete the session.


Project Team members will see the Create New Session button.

Field Description
Create New Session Project Team members can click this button to open the Create New Continuous Feedback Session screen, where he or she can create a new feedback session.