View Analysis Details for a Widget

View analysis details for a widget to drill through layers of data and analyze the available and expanded information.

To view analysis details for a widget:

  1. Open the Industry Analytics page and view industry data.
  2. On the Industry Analytics page, locate a data point in a supported widget.
    Refer to the following data points:
    Widget Type Data Point
    Count or Number The count or number
    Pie Chart A section in the pie chart
    Bar Chart A bar
    Line Chart A point on the line
  3. On the data point, right-click and click Drill Through > Analysis Detail.
  4. On the Analysis Detail page, view the available data in the analysis detail chart and table.
  5. To filter specified listing data by family, select a Family.
    To search for a family, enter a family name in the Seach field.
  6. To filter specified listing data by product type, select a Product Type.
    To search for a product type, enter a product type name in the Seach field.
  7. To organize the analysis detail chart by a specific criterion, select a criterion/element in the Choose an element field.