Contents of the Manage Listing Page - Premium MasterSpec, Premium Proprietary, or Premium

Use the contents of this page to view or manage a product listing that has a listing type of Premium MasterSpec, Premium Proprietary, or Premium.

With the required permissions, use these page contents to add a new listing or update an existing listing.

Header Toolbar Contents

On the header toolbar of the Manage Listing page, the following options are available:

Item Description
Page Title This displays the name of the page that you are currently viewing.

Click (back arrow) beside the Manage Listing label to return to the Product Listings page.

Secondary Toolbar Contents (Display Mode)

On the secondary toolbar of the Manage Listing page, the following options are available:

Item Description
Listing Type This displays the product's listing type.

For more information, see Product Listing Types.

State This displays the state that the product is in through its product submission process.

For more information, see Product Listing States.

Status This displays the status of the product listing: Active or Inactive.
Assign Deltek This displays the Deltek users that an administrator assigned to the product listing.
Assign BPM This displays the users within the BPM that an administrator assigned to the product listing.
Add Product This option is available only to Deltek administrators.

Click this button to enable edit mode and add a new product listing for BPM submissions.

Update This option is available only to Deltek administrators and Deltek authors.

Click this button to enable edit mode and update the product listing's information and related resources.

Product Information (Display Mode)

The following general information about the product listing are available:

Item Description
Corporate Logo and Company Name This displays the corporate logo of the product listing's BPM. If the corporate logo is not available, this displays the BPM's company name.

Hover over the logo to view the BPM's company name.

Model# This displays the product's model number or code.
Product Name This displays the product's name. The product name is unique.
Category This displays the building product categories under which the product belongs.
Family Number This displays the product's family number.
Family This displays the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Contact This displays a list of contact persons for the product listing's manufacturer.

For each contact person, the following information is available:

Option Description
Email Click this icon to open your default email application and send an email to the contact person.
Name This displays the full name of the contact person.
Contact Number This displays the phone or mobile number of the contact person.
Product Description This displays a description about the product. If the length of the description exceeds four lines, the exceeding lines are not visible. The following actions are available:
  • To display the remaining product description, click Read more.
  • To collapse and hide the full description, click Read less.
Building Type This displays the building's type or purpose for which the BPM designed the product. A product can have multiple building types and this page displays multiple types alphabetically.
First Publish Date This displays the date when the BPM first published the product listing.
Last Publish Date This displays the date when the BPM last published the product listing.
Product Type This displays the product type for which the product is applicable.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Properties This displays a list of the product's properties. For each property, this displays the selected property options for this product listing and all other possible property options based on its product type. By default, this portion hides the product properties. Click (View Full List of Properties Available toggle) to show or hide the list of product properties.

See Properties.

Related Resources (Display Mode)

This page displays multiple resources that you can use to learn more about the product listing. The following resources are available:

Resource Description
Photos and Videos This displays the product's photos and videos.

See Photos and Videos.

Download Documents This displays a list documents for the product listing that a user can download. Listing documents contain base document or catalog information.

See Download Documents.

Links This lists links to resources that are relevant to the product listing. These links can redirect a user to a resource external or internal to Specpoint.

See Links.

Partnerships This displays a relationship between the product listing and a given partner on the Manage Listing page. Partnerships indicate that the product listing follows certain standards such as an environmental code or data requirement.

See Partnerships.

Secondary Toolbar Contents (Edit Mode)

Use these contents to update attributes about the product listing. These contents are available only to Deltek administrators in edit mode.

On the secondary toolbar, the following options for updating the attributes of a listing are available:

Item Description
Listing Type To update the product's listing type, click the pill for the current product listing type and select a new listing type.

For more information, see Product Listing Types.

State To update the product listing's state, click the pill for the current state and select a new state.

For more information, see Product Listing States.

Status To update the product listing's status, click the pill for the current status and select whether the product listing is Active or Inactive.
Assign Deltek To assign new Deltek users to the product listing, click the pill for the currently assigned Deltek users, enter the names of users to assign, and select the users from the resulting list.
Assign BPM To assign new BPM users to the product listing, click the pill for the currently assigned BPM users, enter the names of users to assign, and select the users from the resulting list.
Cancel Click this button to exit edit mode. This option discards any unsaved changes.
Save Click this button to save your changes and retain edit mode.

Product Information (Edit Mode)

Use these contents to update information about the product listing. These contents are available only to Deltek administrators and Deltek authors in edit mode.

The available contents for updating and your ability to edit them vary based on the product listing's state and status. The following options for editing the product listing are available:

Item Description
Corporate Logo and Company Name This displays the corporate logo of the product listing's BPM. If the corporate logo is not available, this displays the BPM's company name.
Model# Enter the product's model number or code.

This displays the current model number.

Product Name Enter a unique name for the product.

This displays the current product name.

Category This displays the building product categories under which the product belongs.
Family Number This displays the product's family number.
Family This displays the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Contact This displays the selected contact persons from the BPM for the product listing. The contact persons display in a pill or oval, which you can click to display the Product Contact dialog box.
In the Product Contact dialog box, you can perform the following actions:
  • To select a contact, click the Select field and select a contact from the drop-down list.
  • To search for a contact, enter the name of a user from the BPM in the Select field.
  • To remove a selected contact, click the x in the contact pill.
Product Description Enter a description about the product.

This displays the current product description.

This text field supports text styles. The following options for styling the product description are available:

Option Description
Apply bold styling to the selected text or activate bold styling for new text.
Apply italic styling to the selected text or activate italic styling for new text.
Include the paragraph into a numbered list.
Include the paragraph into a bulleted list.
Increase the indent of the paragraph.
Decrease the indent of the paragraph.
Building Type Select one or multiple building types. This indicates the purpose for which the BPM designed the product.
You can also perform the following actions:
  • To search for a building type, enter a building type in this field.
  • To remove a selected building type, click the x in the building type pill.
First Publish Date This displays the date when the BPM first published the product listing.
Last Publish Date This displays the date when the BPM last published the product listing.
Product Type This displays the product type for which the product is applicable.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Properties This displays a list of the product's properties. For each property, select the property options or values.

See Properties.

Related Resources (Edit Mode)

Use these contents to update related resources for the product listing. These contents are available only to Deltek administrators and Deltek authors in edit mode.

The available related resources for updating and your ability to edit them vary based on the product listing's state and status. The following options for editing the related resources are available:

Resource Description
Photos and Videos Manage the product listing's photos and videos.

See Photos and Videos.

Download Documents Manage the product listing's documents. These documents contain base document or catalog information that users can download.

See Download Documents.

Links Manage the product listing's links. These links redirect a user to a resource external or internal to Specpoint.

See Links.

Partnerships Manage the product listing's partnerships. Partnerships indicate that the product listing follows certain standards such as an environmental code or data requirement.

See Partnerships.