Contents of KPI Widgets

Use the contents of these widgets to view the number of times that your product listings were specified, based on specific criteria.

Specified (by Year)

In this widget, the following elements are available:

Element Description
Count This indicates the number of times that a product or its manufacturer was specified in your selected years. You can select one or multiple years from the date picker ().
Source This indicates the source from where the widget derives data. The source of this widget is All, which is both Specpoint and legacy applications.

Specified (by Month)

In this widget, the following elements are available:

Element Description
Count This indicates the number of times that a product or its manufacturer was specified in the current month.
Source This indicates the source from where the widget derives data. The source of this widget is All, which is both Specpoint and legacy applications.

Families Specified

In this widget, the following elements are available:

Element Description
Count This indicates the number of families/sections in which a product or its manufacturer was specified.
Source This indicates the source from where the widget derives data. The source of this widget is All, which is both Specpoint and legacy applications.

Basis of Design

In this widget, the following elements are available:

Element Description
Count This indicates the number of times that a product from the manufacturer was specified in a Specpoint A/E project as a basis-of-design (BOD) product.
Source This indicates the source from where the widget derives data. The source of this widget is Specpoint.


In this widget, the following elements are available:

Element Description
Pie Chart This pie chart shows the distribution of your specified product listings between Specpoint and legacy applications. This chart includes the percentage of your listings for each source.

As this widget supports dynamic filtering, click a section in the pie chart to filter all supported widgets based on your selected data source.

Source This indicates the source from where the widget derives data. The source of this widget is All, which is both Specpoint and legacy applications.

PowerBI® Options

Right-click a widget or data point to display these options on a submenu.

The following PowerBI® options are available:

Option Description
Show data point as a table Open a data point, such as a pie chart section, in a table.
Show as a table View the widget data in a table.
Include Filter all data based on a data point.
Exclude Remove a data point, such as a pie chart section, from the widget's data.
Drill Through » Analysis Detail Open the widget data on the Analysis Detail page to learn more and examine the instances of specified product listings.

See Analysis Detail page.

Note: Some widgets have limited support for these options.