Generate a Market Comparison Report

Generate and download a market comparison report to access data on the performance ranking of a BPM's listings in terms of product decisions wins for a specific family element.

To generate and download a market comparison report:

  1. On the navigation menu, click Analytics > Legacy Analytics.
  2. On the Legacy Analytics page, in the Select Manufacturer field, select a BPM.
  3. Click Enhanced Listing.
  4. Click Market Comparison.
  5. In the Family field, select a family element for which to measure a BPM's rank.
  6. In the Manufacturers field, select one or multiple BPMs.
  7. In the Starting Year field, select a year to set when the report data starts.
  8. In the line chart, view the report data on the BPM's rank.
  9. Click Show Data Table.
  10. In the data table, view the report data on the BPM's rank.
  11. Download the report data.
    • To download the report data as a CSV file, click > Export as CSV.
    • To download the report data as a PDF file, click > Export as PDF.