Building Product Manufacturer (BPM)

In Specpoint, a building product manufacturer, also referred to as BPM or manufacturer, is an organization that creates and maintains product listings, mainly as product listing cards, to offer to A/E firms and public users.

BPM users use the available features in Specpoint to review and maintain product listings for their BPM. A product listing typically includes general information, building information, photos, videos, links, and partnerships. The BPM's product listings, along with the BPM's company information, are available to public users and A/E firm users within Specpoint.

For more information, see Product Listings and Product Listing Cards.

As a Deltek user, you work with a BPM by performing the following:
  • Enabling the BPM to manage their Specpoint account and their users.
  • Setting up and reviewing their product listings.