Add a Photo

Add one or multiple photos to a product listing to show to other Specpoint users.

Before you can perform this procedure, you must have a product listing opened on the Manage Listing page and in edit mode. Additionally, ensure that the product listing has less than 10 photos and/or videos.

To add a photo of a product listing:

  1. In the main pane of the photos and videos portion, click > Upload New Image / Video.
  2. In the product photo and video upload window, on the Photos tab, select one or multiple images to upload.
    You can drag and drop a file, copy and paste a file, or select a file from your device. You can also select a file from various third-party file storage platforms.

    Use the following recommended image formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG.

    To upload more photos, click Upload more.

  3. To remove a photo, click the X in the photo's row. To remove all photos, click Deselect All.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. In the Edit Image pane, edit each photo:
    1. To crop the image, click Crop. Drag and drop the corner dots to adjust the size of the frame.
    2. To rotate the image, click Rotate. Click or to rotate the image left or right.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click Next. If you are uploading only one photo or you completed editing all your uploaded photos, click Done.
  6. Click Upload.
    Uploading the photos may take a few seconds.
  7. Click Save.
  8. On the Manage Listings page, click Save.