Add a Manufacturer Property under an Existing Header

Add a manufacturer property under an existing header to define a new dimension or aspect about the product under an existing property header/group.

To add a manufacturer property under an existing header:

  1. Open the Manufacturer Options window for a product listing.
  2. In the Manufacturer Options window, click the Manufacturer Options tab.
  3. On the Manufacturer Options tab, locate the property header/group to which you want to add a property.
  4. In the property header/group, click .
  5. Under the property header/group, locate the manufacturer property after which you want to add.
  6. In the manufacturer property, click + New Property.
  7. In the Property (Required) field of the new manufacturer property, enter the property name/key that identifies the manufacturer property and select + Add New Property.
    To use an existing property key, select a key in the Property (Required) field.

    The property key must be unique within a given product type.

  8. Add manufacturer options to the property. For each manufacturer option:
    1. In the MasterSpec property, click .
      The new option pill displays as a white pill with a blue outline.
    2. In the new option pill, enter the option value.
    3. To remove an option, click x in the option pill.
    4. To modify an option, double-click the option pill and enter a new option value.
  9. To add in-line text, click and enter the in-line text for the property.
    This option is available only when you clicked + Add In-Line for the property header.
  10. Click .
  11. In the Manufacturer Options window, click Apply.