Update My Company Page

As a BPM administrator, update the elements on this page such as the company description and the corporate logo to ensure that your BPM has updated information for public display.

To update the Company page of your BPM:

  1. On the navigation menu, click Products.
  2. On the Product Listings page, click My Company Page.
  3. On the Company page, click Edit Mode.
  4. Update the cover photo:
    1. Click (pencil icon) on the cover photo.
    2. In the file upload utility, select an image to use.
      You can drag and drop a file, copy and paste a file, or select a file from your device. You can also select a file from various third-party file storage platforms.

      Use the following recommended image formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG.

    3. Edit the image.
      You can crop, crop into a circle, and rotate the image.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Click Upload.
  5. Update the company logo:
    1. Click (pencil icon) beside the current or default logo.
    2. In the file upload utility, select an image to use.
      You can drag and drop a file, copy and paste a file, or select a file from your device. You can also select a file from various third-party file storage platforms.

      Use the following recommended image formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG.

    3. Edit the image.
      You can crop, crop into a circle, and rotate the image.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Click Upload.
    For more information, see File/Image Upload Utility and Upload a File or Image.
  6. Under the Who We Are header, enter a description about your BPM and its products.
    You can apply text styles to the company description.
  7. Click Save and Exit.