Submit a Product Listing for Deltek Review

As a BPM administrator or BPM author, submit a new product listing that you and other users from your BPM updated for Deltek review.

Before you submit a product listing, ensure that the information and related resources for the listing are correct. You can only submit a product listing of a specific listing type, status, and state.

For more information, see Update a New Product Listing for Submission and Product Listings for Updating.

To submit a product listing for Deltek review:

  1. On the navigation menu, click Products.
  2. On the Product Listings page, search for your BPM's product listing that you want to submit.
    To quickly find the product listing, you can use filters.
  3. On the product listing card, click the product's image (if any), category, product name, family name, or product type.
    For more information, see Product Listing Cards.
  4. On the Manage Listing page, review the product listing information and related resources.
  5. Click Update.
  6. In edit mode, click Submit.
  7. Click Yes to confirm.
    Specpoint automatically updates the product listing's State to Premium Review - BPM Submitted, Premium MasterSpec Review - BPM Submitted, or Proprietary Review - BPM Submitted as applicable to its current state.

Deltek will now review the information that you entered and the resources that you uploaded.