Contents of the Market Comparison Report

Use the contents of this report to generate, view, and download data on the performance ranking of a BPM's listings in terms of product decisions wins for a specific family element.

Report Parameters

Use the following report parameters to generate the report:

Field Description
Family Select the family element for which the report applies. Specpoint ranks the performance of a BPM's product listings under the selected family.
Manufacturers Select one or multiple BPMs that offer the product listings that Specpoint ranks based on product decision wins.
Starting Year Select the year when the report data starts.

Report Contents

The following elements are available in the line chart:

Element Description
Rank The vertical axis or y-axis represents the BPMs' rank in terms product decisions won for a family and/or product type.
Month The horizontal axis or x-axis represents the months to which the BPMs' ranks apply.
Line A line represents a BPM's rank per month in a given year. The line has a color code to indicate the BPM, which is useful for viewing multiple BPMs' ranks.

Hover over a line to view its month, year, and exact win percentage.

Legend This displays the color codes for the lines in this chart and indicates the respective BPM that each color code represents.

Data Table Options

Use the following options to manage the report's data table:

Option Description
Show Data Table or Hide Data Table Click this option to show or hide the data table of the report.
Search Enter a value for which to search in any column of the data table.

Specpoint processes the search as you enter a value in this field.

Download Click this button and select one of the following options to download the data table as a CSV or PDF file:
  • Export as CSV
  • Export as PDF

Data Table Contents

The following columns are available in the data table:

Column Description
Manufacturer This column displays the name of the BPM.
Month-Year These columns display the BPM's rank within a given month of a given year.