Legacy Analytics Page

Use this page to access, generate, view, and download the available reports and study legacy industry data.

This page contains options that you can use to access all the available reports which belong in either of the two categories: enhanced listings and Product MasterSpec. For enhanced listings, the following reports are available on this page:
  • Family Opens
  • Product Decisions - Overall
  • Product Decisions - Won
  • Product Decisions - Win Percentage
  • Product Decisions - Win/Loss Map
  • Market Comparison
For Product MasterSpec, the following reports are available on this page:
  • Family Downloads
  • Family Download Map
The available options and contents vary for each report. The Legacy Analytics page enables you to perform the following actions for each report:
  • Generate reports by setting project parameters.
  • View report data in a graphical representation such as a chart, graph, or heat map.
  • View and export report data in table view.