Contents of the Industry Analytics Page

Use the contents of this page to view analytics for your BPM's product listings, in terms of selection or specification for an A/E project.

Navigate to the following contents:

Header Contents

On the header, the following general options are available:

Option Description
Page Title

This indicates the name of the page within the Industry Analytics module. The name of this page is Industry Analytics.

Analytics Home Click this tab to open the Industry Analytics page and view the available data.

See Industry Analytics/Analytics Home Page.

Competition Click this tab to open the Competition page and view the performance of your product listings against products from other manufacturers.

See Competition Page.

Information Click this button to display tooltips and learn more about each industry analytics feature.
Reset Click this button to reset all analytics widgets to their default state.
Date Click this button and select a date to filter the available industry data.


On this page, the following widgets are available:

Widget Type Description
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Widgets These KPI widgets show how design professionals from A/E firms specify your BPM's product listings in their projects.

See KPI Widgets.

Specpoint Data Widgets These Specpoint data widgets show how design professionals from A/E firms view and specify your BPM's product listings in their Specpoint projects.

See Specpoint Data Widgets.

Specpoint and Legacy Data Widgets These widgets enable you to gain insight on a product listing's performance in Specpoint A/E projects and in legacy applications (such as MasterWorks), based on specific criteria.

See Specpoint and Legacy Data Widgets.