Help Menu Options

Use the options from the Help icon to access the available help resources for Deltek Specpoint.

Menu Options

Option Description
Online Help Access user documentation for Specpoint.
Release Notes Download and view the release notes for Specpoint.
MasterSpec® Updates Download and view the release notes for MasterSpec® content updates.
Email Help Desk Send an email to the designated account administrator for your BPM for questions and concerns.

As the designated account administrator, send an email to Deltek's dedicated help desk for questions and concerns.

Deltek Support Center As the designated account administrator for your BPM, access and log in to Deltek Support Center to submit a case or call/chat with Deltek Customer Success.
Privacy Policy View Deltek's privacy policy for more information on how Specpoint handles your personal information.
Terms of Use View the licensing and services agreement for Deltek Specification Solutions.
Build Number View the platform's current build number which you can use as a reference for checking features and reporting issues.