Group Product Listings

Group product listings on the product listings page to have a more organized view and quickly find specific product listings. You can add, edit, and delete grouping criteria.

When you create a grouping criterion, Specpoint creates a sorting criterion on the Sorting tab with the same selected product listing attribute/information and at the same order level as the grouping criterion.

To group product listings on the Product Listings page:

  1. On the navigation menu, click Products.
  2. On the Product Listings Page, click Edit Grouping & Sorting.
  3. In the Grouping and Sorting window, click Grouping.
  4. On the Grouping tab, add grouping criteria:
    1. For additional grouping criteria, click +Add Grouping.
    2. In the FIRST GROUPING, SECOND GROUPING, or THIRD GROUPING field, select a product listing attribute.
    3. Under COLLAPSE, select this option to collapse the grouping or leave blank to expand the grouping.
    You can add up to three grouping criteria. You might need to delete the default grouping criteria to add your desired grouping criteria.
  5. To delete a grouping criterion, click X on the respective grouping criterion.
  6. Click Apply.