Change BPM or A/E Firm Accounts

Change the firm account that you are using to work in Specpoint for another BPM or A/E firm account.

Perform this procedure only if you are a registered guest user of another BPM and/or A/E firm within Specpoint. For users under reseller firms, you can also use this procedure to access non-reseller firms which are assigned to your reseller firm.

To change BPM or A/E firm accounts:

  1. On the top menu, click the change account icon .
    Typically, this icon displays with the name of the account in which you are currently logged.
  2. From the list of available accounts, select a BPM or A/E firm.
    This list contains the BPMs and A/E firms that added you as a guest user as well as your primary BPM.
  3. To search for a BPM or A/E firm account , in the Search Companies field, enter the name of the account and select the account from the resulting list.
    Specpoint updates the list as you enter a value.