PPM Datasource Management Tool

The PPM Datasource Management Tool consists of a single main dialog box that allows you to define the connection details between PPM Administrator and a database.


Field Description
Data Sources This grid displays the list of available data sources and their corresponding connection information, such as the name the data source, database management system (Oracle or SQL Server), and type of the data source provider (Native or OLE DB).

The fields in the grid are read-only.

Double clicking a row will display the Edit Data Source dialog box of the selected database.

Add Click this button to display the Add Data Source dialog box with the General tab selected by default. It allows you use to create a new data source or database connection.
Edit Click this button to display the Edit Data Source dialog box, which you use to modify an existing data source connection.
Delete Click this button to delete a selected data source.
Import Click this button to import a data source. Clicking this button displays the Import Data Sources dialog box.


The PPM Datasource Management Tool checks the C:\ProgramData\Deltek\PPMDatasources\CONFIG.DAT file to find the DATASOURCES key under the [SYSTEM] section, which specifies where the DATASOURCES.DAT file is located. It manages the DATASOURCES.DAT file based on the specified location.

  • If the CONFIG.DAT file is missing, the tool defaults to accessing the DATASOURCES.DAT file at C:\ProgramData\Deltek\PPM\DATASOURCES.DAT.
  • If the [SYSTEM] section or key is not defined, the tool manages the DATASOURCES.DAT file at the default location.

Possible Scenarios

Field Description
File Not Found If the DATASOURCES.DAT file does not exist, the tool displays the following error and closes:

"Unable to open C:\ProgramData\Deltek\PPM\DATASOURCES.DAT file. Please re-install PPM Administrator."

Invalid Path If the location specified in the CONFIG.DAT file is incorrect (for example, folder does not exist or the path format is invalid), the tool displays:

"<location> is not a valid path. Please check the path in CONFIG.DAT file."

Permission Issues If the user lacks read or write permissions for the file, the following message displays:

"Unable to open <location> file. Please apply read and write permissions to the file or folder."

File Creation If the DATASOURCES.DAT file does not exist, the tool creates a new one in C:\Program Files\Deltek\PPMDatasources, where `CONFIG.DAT` is located. The message displayed is:

"C:\ProgramData\Deltek\PPMDatasources\DATASOURCES.DAT file was created. Applying read and write permissions for other users might be needed."

The new file is empty, and the Data Sources grid in the tool contains no records.