Copy a User

Copying a user record copies the information from the General (except for USERID, first name, last name, and email), Groups, Objects (but not applicable for new users), and Authentication tabs.

To copy a user:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select SECURITY > Users.
    By default, Users Detail View displays. To switch between views, click (Users List View) or (Users Detail View) at the upper portion of the form.
  2. Copy the record by taking one of the following actions:
    • On Users List View, select the user you want to copy, click and select Copy on the context menu.
    • On Users Detail View, click Other Actions, and select Copy on the context menu.
  3. On Users Detail View, complete the necessary fields.
    You need to enter a unique name for the user.
  4. When you are done, click Save.