Create a Login Message

Use this procedure to create a standard message that you can use to inform users each time they log on to a PPM product.

To create a login message:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select SECURITY > System.
    The System form displays with the AUTHENTICATION tab selected by default.
  2. Select the LOGINS tab.
  3. On the LOGINS tab, select the PPM product sub-tab that you want to update.
  4. On the selected PPM product sub-tab, select the Display Login Message option.
  5. In the Login Message field, enter the message that you want to display for users when they log in to the selected PPM product.
    You can use up to 250 alphanumeric and special characters, including spaces.
  6. In the Display Login Message Until field, enter or select date when the login message expires.
    If you do not set the date, the login message will not expire.
  7. When you are done, click Save.