Assign a User to a License on the Users Form

Use this procedure to assign a user to an existing license on the Users form.

To assign a user to license:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select SECURITY > Users.
    By default, Users Detail View displays. To switch between views, click (Users List View) or (Users Detail View) at the upper portion of the form.
  2. Find and select the user that you need to update.
    You can use the Find User field at the top of Users Detail View. You can also click at the upper-right corner of the grid on Users List View to filter and search for users.
  3. On Users Detail View, select the Products tab.
  4. On the Products tab, click +Assign Products.
  5. In the Assign Products dialog box, select the product(s) that you want to assign to the user, and click Add.
    When assigning a user to a product license for the first time, a temporary password will be sent to their registered email address as one-time access credential. If the user does not log in using their credentials, and later another user unassigns and then reassigns that user to the license, the user will receive the email again. Since the user has not logged in to the product yet, the system will consider them a new user.
    Note: You can assign only one license per product.
  6. When you are done, click Save.
    Alternatively, you can assign the user to the license from within the Licenses form.