Citrix Storefront Access

Heavyweight users of People Planner require access to the People Planner Rich Client. The People Planner Rich Client is accessed through a Citrix Storefront. To get access to the Citrix Storefront for a user, a Service Request must be raised. Currently, this must be requested by means of a Support Case.

To submit a Support Case, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Customer Care Connect and click Submit Case.
  2. Use the following template to create your RNT ticket:
    1. Product > Maconomy – People Planner
    2. Severity Level > S4 – General
    3. Issue Type > Technical
    4. Summary > “FAO DCO: New Enterprise Cloud User for People Planner”
    5. Detail >

      “Please set up the following user with Citrix access so that they can access the People Planner Rich Client. Please note that Azure SSO is enabled and as such the domain login name of the user is included below (for addition to the Deltek Active Directory). I confirm that the User Account has been set correctly in Maconomy to support this request.

      First Name: Insert First Name here

      Last Name: Insert Last Name here

      Email: Insert User email address here

      Expiration Date: Insert expiration date (if known)”

  3. Click Continue, and then click Finish Submitting Case.

    Note: The Service Level Objective for individual user setup is 2 business days. For large volume requests, this will increase and DCO will advise when the Service Request is received.