Backup and Retention

Production Environments & Databases

Production environments and databases are backed up on a nightly, weekly, and monthly schedule. Backups are done on the local database server and are transported to an in-region secure AWS S3 storage location. Production backups are retained per the schedule below in a rolling fashion. Backups that are outside the retention window are deleted from our systems.
Type Frequency Number Retained
Full Nightly 7
Full Weekly 4
Full Monthly 1

Note for Customers with Primary Operations / Legal Entity in Denmark: For customers who are obligated to meet the requirements of the Danish Bookkeeping Act, an additional data backup procedure is included as part of the Deltek Cloud Service. In addition to the standard backups (referenced in the above table) covering current year activities and can be made available to the Danish Tax Authority upon request, a backup of each year-end (calendar or fiscal) will be taken and stored in a secure location as a part of the Deltek Cloud Service. These annual backups will be held for 5 years, after which, the annual backup will be permanently removed. Upon request from the Danish Tax Authority, Deltek will provide a requested database backup in machine-readable format, at which time, a customer will be notified that Deltek has delivered their data to the Danish Authority.

Non-Production Environments & Databases

Non-Production environments can be used for:
  • Test
  • Configuration
  • Training
  • Development
  • Reporting
Each of these instances by nature is not a production live environment. As a result, the backup and retention of these environments and the databases contained within are limited to the following:
Type Frequency Number Retained
Full Nightly 2