User Creation in People Planner

Typically, users are imported from Maconomy to People Planner as part of the scheduled master data import.

When creating users in Maconomy, the following fields in the User record should be populated:
  • Use for People Planner should be ticked
  • Network Username:

    Name: This should be the same as the Login Name used for Citrix storefront.

    Domain Name: This is your Customer Domain

    Note: All users in People Planner must have Domain Alias set as DELTEKFLEXPLUS. This must be set up in the Task Specification within the Import Master Data and Import Users tasks. Please engage with your Consulting team if you require assistance to set this up.

Once the user is setup and has been added to People Planner by means of the master data import (either auto run on schedule or manually triggered if appropriate), they will be able to access People Planner through the Citrix storefront.