Summary Basis of Estimate

You can define a Summary Basis of Estimate for any level of the WBS . For a general explanation of estimates or to define a Resource Basis of Estimate, see Basis of Estimates.

To define a Summary BOE, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a WBS element, open the Tools menu, and choose Summary Basis of Estimate. MPM displays the Summary BOE dialog box.

  2. Select the department(s) to be covered by the BOE.

Leaving the Department field blank selects all departments. Selecting <Empty> from the list, selects all estimates which do not have a Resource Department assigned. You can also use a wildcard character (asterisk *) to select departments that start with certain characters. For example, 10* would select all estimates for departments 101, 102 and 1001, etc.

  1. Select the EOCs (elements of cost) to be covered by the BOE. Leaving the EOC field blank will include estimates for all EOCs and the selected departments.

  2. Click on the Add/Edit button. If a Summary BOE already exists for the Department/EOC combination entered, it will be displayed. The Estimates Included section will fill in with all estimates which will be covered by the Summary Basis of Estimate being entered.

  3. Enter the basis of estimate in the text field.

  4. To accept the description, click OK.