Basis of Estimates

Basis of Estimates (BOEs) describe the methodology used to estimate the resources included in a work package. They are text narratives that cannot exceed 100 lines.

You can create BOEs for resources and for WBS elements. There are two types of BOEs:

When a BOE has been defined for a resource, a BOE symbol image\winm0093_wmf.gif is placed in front of the row number. To edit an existing resource BOE, you can double-click on the symbol. Resource Basis of Estimates are described in this topic.

For information on Summary Basis of Estimates, see Summary Basis of Estimate.

Creating a Resource Basis of Estimate

A Resource Basis of Estimate is defined for a specific resource assigned to a WBS element.

To define a Resource BOE, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the resource and do one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0094_wmf.gif Resource BOE

  3. Click Tools » Resource Basis of Estimate

MPM displays the Resource BOE dialog box.

  1. Enter the description.