Standard Reports Overview


This section contains a sample of each standard report, worksheet, and turnaround document included in MPM. Each report section has a brief description of the report, its typical usage in a project management environment, and all its available conditioning options. Deltek is continuously adding to its selection of standard reports and welcomes recommendations and suggestions from our customers.

MPM quickly and easily produces a wide variety of tabular and graphic standard reports specifically designed to meet government and in-house reporting needs. MPM’s flexible conditioning allows the user to easily customize almost any standard report to meet their specific requirements. Every report can be conditioned for a specific project area, internal organization, cost elements, time frame, etc.

Government Reporting

MPM includes a complete suite of reports designed to provide reporting required by government contracting regulations. These reports contain standard, recurring information, and establish thresholds. In addition, MPM provides a Cost of Money Override feature which allows users to override cumulative cost of money values as computed with MPM.

In-House Reporting

The worksheets and turnaround documents produced by MPM are convenient tools designed for gathering information in-house in an efficient way. These documents are generally used for gathering start-up information for new contracts, projects, or programs, in preparation for entering data into MPM.

All reports, worksheets, and turnaround documents produced by MPM can be viewed on-screen as well. All time-phased reports display a minimum of 12 time units (12 months, 12 quarters, or 12 years, depending on the timeframe of the report requested).

Saving Report Conditioning

MPM allows you to save conditioning and request batch processing of reports, which can be reused whenever a report is needed again.

In addition, you can add formulated dates to the saved conditioning, so that when you reuse the criteria, today’s date (or an alternate date you provide) is substituted in the criteria.

This eliminates the recreation of identical conditioning criteria, and allows you to create a set of monthly reports once that can be used over and over without duplicated effort.

Report Viewer

The Report Viewer in MPM allows you to view, change, redirect, export and summarize your MPM reports. The Viewer works much like a spreadsheet: the rows and columns contain the generated report data and headings.

From the Viewer you can edit, reformat, and add calculations or graphics, reorganize, selectively display or save your report data.

You can also export report data in the same powerful ways as with the Report Conditioning window.

Related Topics

Accessing the Report Conditioning Window

Orientation to the Report Conditioning Window

Conditioning the Report

Creating Government-Required Reports

Report Execution

Helpful Hints for Report Debugging