Replanning Rules and Assumptions

To use MPM's Replanning function effectively, you should understand how it works and the assumptions that the function makes. There are exceptions to these rules if you are setting baseline equal to actuals when there is no established baseline.

WBS Requirements

You can replan a project only if the following criteria are met:

In-Process or Completed Work Packages Only

You can perform a replan on in-process and completed work packages only. You cannot replan future projects that have not started.

In-process work packages have one or more of the following:

Work packages are defined as completed when the WBS percent complete equals 100%.

When replanning, no assumptions are made about future BCWS or the milestones for BCWP. It is your responsibility to replan future work by manually adjusting BCWS and milestone weights for BCWP after replanning.

What Happens During a Replan?

When you perform a replan, the following happens:

Restoring Data to Its Before Replan State

If you want to restore your data to its before replan state, it is always best to go to the backup you made of the data prior to the replan. If, for some reason, you cannot go to the backed up data, you may use the procedures that follows for the options listed.

Distributed Elements

Distributed elements may not be replanned. Replanning should be done within the subproject and results will be rolled up and transferred via the normal distributed update cycle.

Other Guidelines