Deleting Project Data

You can delete data in cells on the Project Maintenance grid, delete all project data, or delete selected categories of data using the Delete Project Data command under the Edit menu. To delete project data, you must have the appropriate access privileges. If someone is currently working with a project, you cannot delete the project data.

The delete options are described below.

Warning! Deletion of project data is final. Exercise extreme caution when deleting project data. Always back up your project data before deleting the data. Always delete project files through MPM, never through any file management tool. Project files contain pointers. If you delete them through a file management tool, you will corrupt the database.

Deleting Data in Cells

To delete project data in one or more cells, complete the following steps:

  1. Select one or more cells in one or several projects. The cells must be adjacent to one another.

  2. Initiate the delete by doing one of the following:

  3. Click Edit » Delete Cell(s)

  4. Press the Delete key

MPM deletes the selected data from the cells and takes one of several actions based on the data you deleted.

If you deleted one of these fields:

Then MPM:

  • Project ID

  • Path

Fills the field with <Required>.

  • Global ID

  • Baseline Rate Table

  • ETC Rate Table

  • Actuals Rate Table

  • Calendar

  • Fee Calculation

Fills the field with the default value.


Deleting Projects

You can delete the data for an entire project. You can delete only one project at a time.

Warning! Once you delete a project, you cannot restore it from MPM.

To delete a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a project.

  2. Initiate the delete by doing one of the following:

  3. Click Edit » Delete Project

  4. Press the Delete key

MPM asks you to confirm the delete.

  1. To confirm the delete, choose Yes.

  2. If MPM cannot find the files, it will still delete the project data from the grid.

  3. If the project is locked, you will not be able to delete the project.

Related Topics

Introduction to Creating a Project