Posting Weekly Data

The Post Weekly Data utility enables you to more closely manage budget, performance and actuals for each project. With this utility you can spot negative trends more quickly and take corrective action. It provides the means to calculate, store and report earned value on a weekly basis. You can track hours and dollars for BCWS, BCWP, ETC and ACWP for a three-month window that you define.

Only authorized users may access and use this feature. You must have been granted access to the project and to the Post Weekly Data feature within the project. Security for this feature is listed under the Project Maintenance options. (For details on setting up security for this feature, see Controlling Security Access.

Before you post weekly data, the Weekly Data Information section of the Calendar Setup must be completed. On the Calendar Setup dialog box you indicate whether your organization's calendar uses whole weeks or partial weeks. If partial weeks are selected, you select the starting day for each week and enter the number of hours in your workday. For details on setting up your calendar, see Creating, Changing and Saving Calendars.

You can post weekly data for Baseline, BCWP, Actuals or ETC. If you want to include BCWP in the data you are posting, you must calculate BCWP in the usual manner before you begin the posting process.

The posting start date, posting period, data types to be posted and the spreading method are specified on the Post Weekly Data dialog box. You can also limit the weekly posting to a specified WBS leg. You then run the Post Weekly Data utility.

Once your weekly data has been calculated and stored, you can:

Three Month Window Start

The Three Month Window Start drop-down list box contains the fiscal months in the project calendar. The initial Three Month Window Start default that appears before any data is posted is the previous fiscal month. The default month may be changed by selecting a different month from the drop-down list. After a week is posted, the start month is displayed to the right of the list box.

Weekly data is stored in a rolling three month window. When the dates of the three month window change, stored data falling outside the window is removed from the weekly table.

Posting Period

The Posting Period drop-down list box contains the week beginning and ending dates in the three month window. The initial default date range that appears in the Posting Period box before any data is posted is the beginning and end date of the first week in the three month window. The default week may be changed by selecting a different week from the drop-down list. After a week has been posted, the Posting Period defaults to the last week posted. The last posted week is displayed to the right of the list box as the Last Posting Period.

Data Types to Post

You can post weekly data for Baseline, BCWP, Actuals or ETC. If you want to include BCWP in the data you are posting, you must calculate BCWP in the usual manner before you begin the posting process. If you want to include Actuals in the data you are posting, you must first import or manually enter the Actuals for that month.

Baseline/ETC Spreading Method

When posting the weekly data, there are two spreading methods available for posting Baseline and ETC: Linear or Milestone. When you access the Post Weekly Data window, the system will always default to the last spreading method selected.

Special Guidelines

Before you begin posting weekly data, make sure you have completed the Weekly Data Information section of the Calendar Setup.

To post weekly data for a project, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Maintenance window, select a project.

  2. Open the project by clicking on the yellow folder icon adjacent to the project name.

  3. Click Tools » Post Weekly Data. MPM displays the Post Weekly Data dialog box.

  4. Select the Three Month Window Start from the list box. The dates that display in the list box are derived from the project calendar.

  5. Select the Posting Period from the list box. The dates that display in the list box are derived from the project calendar and the defined three month window.

  6. If appropriate, limit the posting by clicking the Browse button and selecting a WBS element from the Limit to WBS Leg box.

  7. Check the types of data you want to post. You may select any or all of the data types.

  8. If you want to include BCWP in the data you are posting, you must calculate BCWP in the usual manner before you begin the posting process.

  9. If you want to include Actuals in the data you are posting, you must first import or manually enter the Actuals for that month.

  1. Select either Linear or Milestone as the Spreading Method.

  2. To accept the settings you have selected and begin posting, click OK.