Orientation to the WBS Window

You use the WBS Window to add, edit and view the WBS elements. A toolbar gives you quick access to common tasks. This window is split into two panes. The left pane shows the WBS Tree which displays the WBS hierarchically, and the right pane shows the WBS Sheet which displays the detail information for each WBS element. Each element is represented by a single row.

The WBS Tree

You can use the WBS Tree (the left pane in the WBS window) to view the WBS hierarchically and review the parent/child relationships of the WBS elements. You can also add new WBS elements, move, copy, or delete entire WBS legs, or select and deselect the WBS elements displayed on the WBS Sheet.

The WBS Tree always contains all WBS elements to which you have access in the project, regardless of the data downloaded using the WBS Open dialog box. The WBS elements you selected for download are displayed in the WBS Tree with either a checkmark image\winm0048_wmf.gif (indicating the leg has been downloaded) or filter image\winm0049_wmf.gif (indicating the leg has been downloaded but is currently filtered). Elements displayed with an empty box have not been downloaded, but you can download them immediately by checking the box.

The WBS Sheet

Use the WBS Sheet (the right pane in the WBS window to add, edit, and view selected WBS element information in a spreadsheet-like format. The WBS Sheet has a vertical scroll bar and horizontal scroll bar to help you position your cursor anywhere on the sheet while working with the WBS elements. The fields (columns) in the WBS Sheet contain the descriptive, accounting, status, and customization information about each WBS element.

Hierarchical Listing

MPM automatically sorts all WBS elements in a hierarchical order according to the way you have structured your WBS when adding new child elements and creating new parents. To change the structure, see Sorting WBS Legs. The structure of your WBS Tree is used throughout the project.

Previewing and Printing the WBS

You can preview or print the WBS data using the options on the File menu.

Print and Preview only show the columns and WBS elements which you have displayed on the WBS Sheet. For complete details on using these options, see Using MPM.

To preview your WBS, do one of the following:

MPM displays the WBS Print dialog box. This dialog allows you to select whether to display task descriptions in your printout.

To print your WBS, do one of the following:

MPM displays the WBS Print dialog box, as described above, followed by the standard Windows dialog box.

Related Topics

Introduction to WBS

Linking the WBS to the OBS

Accessing the WBS Window