Orientation to the OBS Window

You use the OBS Window to enter, edit, and view the OBS elements. A toolbar gives you quick access to common tasks, and two tabs (Performing and Responsible) allow you to switch between Performing and Responsible OBS Tree views. The OBS Grid displays the information about each OBS element. Each element is represented by a single row.

Hierarchical/Alphabetical Listing

MPM automatically sorts the departments first by level and then alphabetically by Department ID each time you open the OBS window. Departments are indented to depict their levels. Level 2 Departments are indented one tab. Level 3 Departments are indented two tabs, and so on.

You cannot have one description for a department in the Performing Tree and a different description for that same department in the Responsible Tree. They must be the same.

Navigating the Grid

When clicking and dragging the horizontal scroll bar, a pop-up label displays the current OBS field (column).

Expanding and Collapsing the OBS Levels

Initially, all OBS levels are shown.

Displaying and Hiding OBS Fields

MPM displays the OBS fields as columns in the OBS Grid. You can display or hide any or all of the columns, using Column Hide on the Format menu.

Previewing and Printing OBS Elements

You can preview and print the OBS data using the options on the File menu. For complete details on using these options, see Previewing Data and Printing Data.

Print and Preview only show the columns and OBS elements which you have displayed on the OBS Grid; either Performing or Responsible departments (whichever tab you had selected), the columns displayed, and the OBS legs as you have expanded or collapsed them.

Related Topics

Introduction to the OBS

Accessing the OBS Window

Linking the WBS to the OBS