Previewing Data

Use Print Preview to preview your data onscreen. Click image\winm0294_wmf.gif Print Preview or click File » Print Preview to access the Print Preview screen. On some Task windows, MPM displays the Print Preview dialog box, which asks additional questions.

When you preview, only the data displayed on the Task window is previewed. To change the displayed set of data, exit the Print Preview window and change the data shown in the Task window, either by downloading additional data or by changing the onscreen filter.

Preview Options

The report heading contains the project name and company name that you entered on the Project Maintenance screen. You can change the Print Preview headers, footers, and other elements of the display using the Preview Option buttons. Changes made to the report’s settings only apply to the current Preview session and are not saved.


Use these buttons:

Scroll the Preview listing forward and backward

Next and Previous

See details or the entire page

Zoom In and Zoom Out

Change the Preview listing to display one or two pages

One/Two Page

Select a new font to be used in the Preview listing


Change printer selection, orientation, and other printer options


Select the page(s) to print, print quality, and other printing options


Change the text that appears at the top and bottom of each page using the Header/Footer dialog box


Headers and Footers

Click header_footer.jpg Header / Footer to display the Header /Footer Preview dialog box. Insert custom text, page numbers, dates, and times.