Navigating the WBS Window

Navigating the WBS Tree (left window pane)

Navigating the WBS Sheet (right window pane)

For more detailed information on navigating, see Navigating the Task Window .

Navigating Between the WBS Panes

You can navigate between the WBS Tree and WBS Sheet quickly using the GoTo WBS feature.

To find the detail data in the WBS Sheet when navigating the WBS Tree, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a WBS leg in the WBS Tree by clicking on it.

  2. To find its detail data, choose GoTo WBS on the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+G. MPM displays the selected WBS in the WBS Sheet, displaying additional rows if necessary to display that WBS.

To find the WBS leg in the WBS Tree when navigating the WBS Sheet, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a WBS element by clicking its row number in the WBS Sheet.

  2. To find its leg, choose Go To WBS on the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+G. MPM displays the selected WBS in the WBS Tree, expanding the parent if necessary to display that WBS.

Searching the WBS

To search for a word in the WBS Sheet (the right window pane only), complete the following steps:

  1. Click inside the Sheet.

  2. Choose Find WBS on the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+F. MPM displays the Find Options dialog box.

  3. Enter the text to find and click Find Next.

  4. If you clicked in the WBS Tree, the Tree is searched, expanding parents if necessary.

  5. If you clicked in the WBS Sheet, the WBS elements in the Sheet are searched.

For more detailed information on searching, see Using MPM.