Maintaining the Program Log

Editing the Program Log

To change information for an existing transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on any field in the Program Log grid. If necessary, use the horizontal scroll bar to show the desired field to be changed. If a field you need is not displayed, use Format » Column Hide to change the displayed fields.

  2. Change the data in one or more editable fields in the current row. Press the Tab or Arrow keys to continue editing other fields or rows.

  3. To save your changes, click image\winm0122_wmf.gif Save  or press Ctrl+S.

Deleting Program Log Transactions

To delete a Program Log transaction, complete the following steps:

  1. Highlight the entire Program Log row by clicking the row number.

  2. Press the Delete key or click Edit » Delete.

  3. If Prompt for Save has been set, MPM prompts for confirmation.

To delete more than one Program Log at one time, complete the following steps:

  1. Highlight the desired transaction using the Shift key when clicking the row number.

  2. Press the Delete key or click Edit » Delete.

  3. If the Prompt for Save option has been set, MPM prompts to confirm confirmation.

Modifications to the Program Log will automatically update the computed values displayed on the C/SSR, CPR, and NASA reports.

Related Topics

Introduction to the Program Log

Accessing the Program Log Window

Orientation to the Program Log Window

Creating the Program Log

Program Log Field Descriptions

Program Log Recommended Reports