Introduction to Global Sets

Before creating a project in MPM, you must specify a broad range of information for the project including:

In MPM, you create a "global set" that contains this information. A global set is defined by a global file ID, description, and path. After defining global files, you assign them to projects using the Project Maintenance window.

Terminology — Global Set and Global ID

A global set is the group of files that defines calendars, rate tables, etc. Each global set is assigned a unique global ID. When you want to assign a global set to a project, you use the global ID. Global set is a term used in the commands under the Edit menu in Global Maintenance when the menu items affect the global files. For example, the command Delete Global Set will delete the row from the grid as well as all the global files located in the path specified for the global set.

Multiple Global Sets, Multiple Projects

You can create an unlimited number of global sets, and you can assign the same global ID to an unlimited number of projects. You can share global sets as long as the projects use the same calendar. If projects will be using different calendars, each project will require its own global set. Each global set must reside in its own directory or path.

Default Global Set

MPM contains a Default global set that references a default calendar, but does not contain any other information. The Default global set is located in the same directory as the MPM executable. The Default global set cannot be moved or deleted.

Ensuring Consistency in Global Sets

Many MPM customers delegate global set creation to one individual, and give only that individual access to Global Maintenance. This helps to ensure consistency in the calendars, templates, etc. assigned to projects.

A global ID is assigned to a project at the time the project is created. The global ID is selected from a drop-down list. The user defining the project can select a global ID from this list without having access to Global Maintenance.

Related Topics

Accessing the Global Maintenance Window

Orientation to the Global Maintenance Window

Introduction to Project Management

General steps for Creating and Managing a Project