Holidays are indicated on the fiscal calendar by gray squares, and listed in the Holidays pane. You can schedule and identify up to 300 holidays on a calendar. Holidays are automatically sorted by date in the Holiday list regardless of the order in which they were entered.
To establish a holiday, complete the following steps:
Do one of the following:
Click on a date in the Fiscal calendar. MPM shades the area around the date indicating that it is a holiday, and adds a matching entry in the Date column of the Holidays list.
Enter a date directly in the Date field of the Holiday grid.
If desired, enter a description in the Holiday grid.
To delete a holiday, do one of the following:
Click on the holiday's grayed date in the Fiscal Calendar.
Click on the date in Holiday grid and press the Delete key.
Both actions return the date to the normal color and remove it from the Holiday list in the Holiday grid.