General Replan Procedure

When you replan a project, you use the Project Replan dialog box. Before replanning any project, always backup the project data.

To replan a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a project in the Project Maintenance window.

  2. Click Tools » Project Replan.

  3. Select one of the Replan options.

  4. Select the If no Baseline, set Baseline=Actuals option if it is appropriate and available.

  5. If appropriate, limit the replan by clicking the Browse button and selecting a WBS element from the Limit to WBS Leg dialog box. If you select an element, the replan is applied to the element and its children. If you leave this field blank, all WBS elements are included in the replan.

  6. Select In-process, Completed elements, or both. In-process work packages have either cumulative BCWS or ACWP through the replan month. Completed elements have a WBS percent complete equal to 100%.

  7. (Optional) Enter an identifier into the XREF-EST field if it is available.

  8. Set the replan month. The replan month is the month in which the replan will occur. All replan adjustments are cumulative through the replan month. Replan estimates will be reported and displayed on reports in the month and year you enter here. Replan estimate start and complete dates are not rolled up through the WBS hierarchy.

  9. Select the EOCs (Elements of Cost) you want included in the replan by double-clicking the Include field in the Condition by EOC grid. To deselect an EOC, double-click it again.

  10. To accept the settings and begin the replan, click OK. MPM performs the replan and generates the Processing Result Report. The report lists any WBS elements that could not be processed.

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