Estimate Adjust Procedure

The procedure for adjusting estimates is described below. Estimate Adjust is similar to Repricing except you specify a percentage factor or target amount for the adjustment.

To adjust an estimate, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a project in the Project Maintenance window by clicking the row number.

  2. From the Project Maintenance window, open the Tools menu and select Estimate Adjust. MPM displays the Estimate Adjust dialog box.

  3. Select the estimates you want to adjust: Baseline, ETC, or both.

  4. Select the WBS leg you want to adjust by clicking the Browse button. To adjust the entire WBS, leave this field blank.

  5. Select the type of department you want to use to limit the adjustment: Performing, Responsible, or Resource.

If you select Performing or Responsible, MPM ignores estimates for WBS elements that do not match. If you select Resource, MPM ignores estimates that do not match the selected resource department.

  1. After selecting the type of department, select a specific department from the drop-down list box.

  2. If you want to restrict the adjustment to a specific time period, enter From and Through dates. To adjust the project from start to finish, leave these fields blank.

  3. Choose to condition the estimate by Element of Cost, Class of Cost, or Resource.

When you select one of the above options, MPM displays all elements defined for the category in the Adjust Conditioning grid in the dialog box. For example, if you select Element of Cost, MPM displays all elements of cost in the grid.

  1. Select the items you want to include in the adjustment by clicking the corresponding check box in the Include column. MPM will place a check mark in the fields you select.

  2. To clear the selection, click the check box again.

The next step is to specify the value and units used to adjust each item.

Related Topics

Adjusting Baseline and ETC Estimates

Entering Adjustment Units