After you have completed the baseline estimate, you can create a revised version of the baseline using the Estimate to Complete (ETC) view in the Integrated Planning window. Changes you make to the ETC do not change the baseline estimate, making it possible to compare current estimates to the original baseline estimates.
The original monthly baseline estimate data is automatically maintained by MPM to provide performance measurement of the baseline plan. Baseline and ETC dates are displayed in various Gantt and Time Analysis reports.
When you have created the ETC, MPM can use it to:
Generate Estimate to Completion reports
Generate Latest Revised Estimate (LRE) reports
Graph LRE data in Graphic Drill Down (GDD)
Calculate Estimate at Completion (EAC) reports
There are two ways to create the ETC:
Save the resources estimates to the ETC as you create the Baseline. This approach is described in this section.
Copy the Baseline estimates to the ETC using the Project Replan function (see Introduction to Replanning).
To access the ETC view, complete the following steps:
From the Menu Manager window, do one of the following:
Select the Integrated Planning icon
Click File » Projects » Integrated Planning
MPM displays the Integrated Planning Open dialog box.
Select the WBS elements you want downloaded.
Select ETC as the starting view.
For details on opening the ETC view, see Introduction to Integrated Planning.