Entering Rates Manually and with Fill Right (Resources)

You can enter rates in each cell manually for a resource, or you can enter the first rate and use the Fill Right function to fill in the remaining cells.

Entering Rates Manually

To enter rates manually, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a rate table from the Rate Table field in the Toolbar.

  2. Place the cursor in a cell and enter a rate. Enter rates as dollars and cents in decimal notation.

  3. To save the entry, do one of the following:

  4. Click on another row

  5. Click File » Save

  6. Press Ctrl+S

If the Save Confirmations option is on, MPM displays a dialog box asking you to confirm the save. Otherwise, MPM saves the entry immediately.

Entering Rates with the Fill Right Function

You can use the Fill Right function to replicate a rate across part or all months for a resource. You can Fill Right for more than one resource at a time. You cannot fill down in the rate grid.

To enter rates using the Fill Right function, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a rate table from the Rate Table field in the Toolbar.

  2. Select the cell(s) with the value(s) you want to replicate and the target cells.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. Press Ctrl+R

  5. Click Edit » Fill Right

MPM enters the values. If you filled right for only one row, MPM leaves the row in edit mode, highlighted in blue. If you filled right for more than one row, MPM returns the cursor to the upper left cell of the selection area.

Related Topics

Entering Rate Table Information

Defining and Deleting Rate Tables

Entering Rates with the Escalate Rates Function