Defining and Deleting Rate Tables

Before you can enter rate table information for resources, you must have created one or more rate tables. The rate table information is stored in the tables. After creating the rate tables, you can select them from the Rate Table field in the Toolbar.

Defining a New Rate Table

To define a new rate table, complete the following steps:

  1. From the File menu, select New Rate Table. MPM displays the New Rate Table dialog box.

  2. Enter up to a three character name for the rate table.

  3. To base the new rate table on an existing table, select the existing table from the Copy drop-down list box.

  4. To create the table, click OK.

Deleting a Rate Table

You should use caution when deleting a rate table. MPM does not check to see if the rate table is currently being used by a project.

If you delete the rate table that is displayed in the Rate Table field in the Toolbar of the Resources and Burdens windows, MPM changes the filter to <None>.

To delete a rate table, complete the following steps:

  1. Click File » Delete Rate Table. MPM displays the Delete Rate Table dialog box.

  2. Select the table you want to delete. MPM displays a warning message asking you to confirm the delete.

  3. To confirm the delete, choose Yes.

Related Topics

Entering Rate Table Information

Entering Rates Manually and with Fill Right

Entering Rates with the Escalate Rates Function