Drilling down into your data is a powerful way to view and analyze your project. You can drill down by WBS, EOC, and resource.
Drilling down by WBS takes you into lower levels of your WBS Tree each time you click. Starting at the Project Level with Drill Down by WBS selected, you can click either on the desired WBS Leg in the Tree pictured in the lower left part of the GDD window, or click on the desired WBS where it appears in the graph. If you click on a WBS ID with no children, the drill down method changes to EOC, and EOCs are displayed.
Drilling down by EOC takes you into the Resources. With Drill Down by EOC selected, you can click either in the EOC list box, or click on the EOC where it appears in the graph. When you drill into a specific EOC, you begin drilling into the Resources for that EOC.
Drilling down by Resource takes you into the individual Resources. Starting at the Project Level with Drill Down by Resource selected, you can click either on the Resource list box in the left pane of the GDD window, or click on the Resource where it appears in the graph.
Click View » View By and choose WBS, EOC or Resource.
Click the appropriate radio button: WBS, Element of Cost, or Resource.
To specify Drill Down by WBS, click the WBS button.
To select a WBS element and all of its children, click the WBS Leg.
To expand or collapse
WBS legs, click the and
To select the entire
WBS and all of its children, click the box in front
of Project Level.
To specify Drill Down by EOC, click the Element of Cost radio button.
To select a specific EOC to graph, select an EOC shown in the EOC list box.
To specify Drill Down by Resource, click the Resource radio button.
To select a specific Resource to graph, select a Resource shown in the Resource list box.
You cannot drill down by resource when displaying BCWP, SV or CV data.
If you see an Element of Cost or Resource listed as [Other], this means that there is data which is not associated with a specific EOC or Resource:
If Summary or EOC rollup toggles were set to OFF when you entered estimates or actuals data, and that data has not been rolled up yet. See Setting Rollup Processing for details about using the Rollup Toggles.
If an EOC or resource is deleted when it has existing estimates assigned to it. We suggest that you export estimates and examine the text in a word processor.