Changing the Display

You can change the display using the standard MPM controls. The controls are described briefly in this topic. For more information, see Using MPM.

Changing the Width of the Columns

You can change the width of the columns manually by dragging the borders between the column headings, or by using Format » Column Width. The latter also gives you access to the Best Fit option that automatically adjusts the width of the column.

Formatting the Data

You can select the number of decimal places displayed in the rate grid by choosing an option from the Format menu. You can choose between zero and eight decimal places. MPM retains eight decimal place accuracy for calculations regardless of the number of decimal places displayed.

Hiding and Displaying Columns

You can hide and display the columns in the descriptive pane of the Resources window using Format » Column Hide. To select or deselect and item in the Column Hide dialog box, click or Shift+Click the desired column.

Filtering the Display

You can filter the resources displayed by specifying a text string. The text string can be applied to any combination of the fields. To display all resource codes, select Tools » Filter » All Data.

To filter the display, complete the following steps:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0241_wmf.gif Filter and choose an option from the dialog box displayed.

  3. Click Tools » Filter and select an option from the sub-menu.

 MPM displays the Filter dialog box.

  1. Enter a text string that will be used as the filter criteria. MPM ignores upper and lower case letters when it searches for the text string. It also must find the entire string.

Sorting the Display

Initially MPM lists the resources in alphabetical order by resource code. It sorts the list each time you open the Resources and Burdens window, incorporating any new resources you may have added.

You can sort the resources using Tools » Sort. You can use up to three criteria in a sort, each ascending or descending. MPM saves the last sort criteria you specify. To return the list to its default order, choose the Reset button in the Sort dialog box.