Header Area of the Expense Report Form

The header area of the expense report contains information that was automatically generated when you created the expense report, as well as information entered on the Purpose tab during the creation process.

The header area only displays after you create the expense report.

Menu and Toolbar

Field Description
Navigation Menu

If more than one expense report is open, the navigation menu displays above the toolbar. Navigate between records by choosing from the following:

  • Click to move to the first record.
  • Click to move to the next record.
  • Click to move the previous record.
  • Click to move to the last record.
Expense Report Toolbar

Click icons on the Expense Report toolbar to perform actions such as creating, approving, or rejecting an expense report.

Header Fields

Field Description

This field displays the expense report number. The system assigns the number, which is incremental, when you complete the Background section of the expense report.


This field displays the description that was entered on the Purpose tab of the Background section when the expense report was created.


This field displays the revision number of the expense report. When you first save an expense report, the revision number is zero. Each time a change is made after the expense report is submitted, this number increases by one. On an existing expense report, click the hyperlinked number (if your configuration settings support this option) to display the Revision tab in the Supporting Schedules section of the Expense Report screen.


The Correction field is automatically updated each time you correct the selected expense report. The number in the field directly reflects the number of times the report has been updated. This field is non-editable.


This field displays the status of the expense report. The valid values are:

  • Draft — The expense report is in process. It has not yet been submitted.
  • Submitted — The expense report was signed, but no approvals have taken place.
  • Under Review — The expense report was signed, and it requires more than one approval, of which at least one has been completed.
  • Approved — The expense report was signed, and all required approvals have been completed.
  • Rejected — The expense report was rejected by a supervisor.
  • Processed — The expense report was exported to the financial system.
  • Voided — The expense report was voided by an employee or a supervisor.

This field displays the expense report type. This is a non-editable field.


This field displays the name and ID of the employee (if Show Employee ID is selected on the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen) for whom the expense report was entered. This is a non-editable field.

Expense Class

This field displays the expense class of the employee and is derived from the Expense Class field in the Employee History. This is a non-editable field.

UDT Label

This field displays the UDT that was selected in the Header UDT field on the Miscellaneous tab of the Expense Configuration screen.


This field displays the primary charge for the expense report. If more than one charge exists, a See Schedule hyperlink displays which links to the Default Charge Schedule in the Supporting Schedules section of the expense report.


This field displays the date on which the expense report was created. This is a non-editable field.


This field displays the expense authorization number that has been used for this expense report. Click the hyperlinked number to display the expense authorization.

This field displays only if the expense report type that was selected has an authorization type set to Optional or Required.

Total Billable

This field displays the amount of all expenses that are billable. If there are no billable expenses, this field displays "0.00." Click the hyperlink to open the Billable Schedule.

Total Non Billable

This field displays the amount of all expenses that are non-billable. If there are no non-billable expenses, this field displays "0.00." Click the hyperlink to open the Non Billable Schedule.

Total Unallowable

This field displays the amount of all expenses that are unallowable. If there are no expenses that are unallowable, this field displays "0.00." Click the hyperlink to open the Unallowable Schedule.

Total Over Ceiling

This field displays the amount of all expenses that are over the company-defined ceiling. If there are no expenses that are over ceiling, this field displays "0.00." Click the hyperlink to open the Unallowable Schedule.

User Defined #1

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.

User Defined #2

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.

User Defined #3

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.

Total Expenses (XXX)

This field displays the total dollar amount available for this expense report, regardless of whether it is reimbursed to the employee. It displays in the employee's pay currency, for example, USD. This is a non-editable field.

Total Amount Due to Employee (XXX)

This field only displays if the expense report type that was selected has a report type set to Optional or Required. The amount represents the total amount of expenses that have been added to the expense report, regardless of whether that amount is reimbursed to the employee.