The Expense Report Form

The Expense Report form is a wizard application where each section of the form becomes available as another is completed. When all sections are completed, the Submit function becomes available, and the form is run through a series of validations prior to Workflow routing it to the next person designated in the approval process.

Sections of the Expense Report Form

Upon creating a new expense report form, you are first required to enter the purpose, location, and default charge information. After the form is initialized, the following sections display for completion:

  • Header Area — This area displays information you just completed on the Purpose tab and other information that is automatically generated.
  • Record Expenses — Use this section to record the expenses incurred.
  • Supporting Schedules — Use this section to view and complete workflow tasks, charge distributions, voucher distributions, and revisions.
  • Workflow Status — Use this section to complete tasks associated with the expense report.