Hey Deltek!

Hey Deltek! is a virtual personal assistant which helps you enter and manage data in Costpoint and Costpoint Mobile by listening to your voice and performing a task you tell it to do.

Enabling Hey Deltek! on Your Device

Hey Deltek! is supported on the following compatible browsers and mobile device OS:
  • Browsers
    • Google Chrome
    • Safari
  • Mobile devices
    • Android
    • iOS
The first time you use Hey Deltek!, you have to grant Costpoint access to the microphone on your device. Use one of the following options to grant access:
  • On the Global Toolbar, click and then confirm access when prompted.
  • In the Options menu, click Voice and then confirm access when prompted.
  • Click your user name next to the Global menu to open the Screen Configuration Panel. Next, click Configure User Preferences. On the Configure User Preferences screen, select the Enable Hey Deltek! Voice Interaction check box and confirm access when prompted.

Activating "Hey Deltek!"

When Hey Deltek! is enabled, it is passively listening to your voice. To activate Hey Deltek! so that it is ready to perform a task, do one of the following:
  • Say "Hey Deltek!" and then describe the task.
  • Click on the Global Toolbar and describe the task.
The Global Toolbar displays a green indicator to let you know that the device microphone is on and actively listening to you. To stop the Active Listening Mode, click when you are finished saying commands, Costpoint will then return to Passive Listening mode.

Disabling Hey Deltek!

Hey Deltek! is enabled for all users, by default, but you can disable it manually.
  • To disable this feature for all users in the system settings, click Admin > System Administration > System Administration Controls > Configure System Settings. On the General Settings tab, clear the Enable Hey Deltek! check box.
  • To disable Hey Deltek! for certain users, click Admin > Security > System Security > Manage Users and then clear the Enable Hey Deltek! check box for a user.
  • To disable Hey Deltek! on your device, click your user name next to the Global menu to open the Screen Configuration Panel. Next, click Configure User Preferences. Then click Disable Hey Deltek! on the Configure User Preferences screen. Your device will no longer listen to you.

    To disable Hey Deltek! for all of your devices, clear the Enable Hey Deltek! Voice Interaction check box.


View the following video for an overview of Costpoint's personal assistant, Hey Deltek!, and a demonstration on how you can set it up. This video also includes information on voice commands that you can use on the Manage Leads and Contacts screen.

Hey Deltek! in Manage Leads and Contacts