Approve Projects from Templates

Use this screen to approve or unapprove more than one quick project at the same time.

Quick projects are set up on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

All quick projects that were not imported on the Import Project Master Data from Templates screen are automatically displayed in the Approve Projects from Templates screen. You can click to change the group of projects that displays. All fields from the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen are available when you click .

All information entered for a quick project on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen is displayed in the Approve Projects from Templates screen for easy review. However, to change project information, use the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

Before you can approve projects:

  • You must be entered as an approver on the Manage Project Approver Settings screen.
  • The Project, Name, Project Classification, Project Type, Account Group, and Owning Organization fields on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen require an entry.
  • For a project created with a quick project template, if the template requires the entry of certain fields on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen, those fields must also be completed before you can approve the project.

You approve a quick project after all the information you require is entered on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

Use the Approve Projects from Templates screen to approve more than one quick project at a time, instead of approving projects individually on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

Attention: To know more about the advantages of using screens in the New Project Setup from Templates application group over other project setup options, see related topics here.