Details Tab

Use the Details tab to enter expense details. Fields are enabled or disabled based on Wizard type.

Expense Background Fields

Field Description

Click to select the provider. The available options are those active providers set up in the system for the Wizard type you selected. If a default provider is set up for the selected batch type, it displays here as the default. If no default provider has been set up for the batch type, None displays as the default as this is not a required field.


Enter the merchant name you wish to associate with this car rental expense. You can enter up to 40 characters.

Update Provider
Comments Enter any comments you wish to include with this expense. You can enter up to 254 characters.

Car Rental

Field Description
Start Date

Click to the right of the field to select the start date for this car rental expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the General tab.

End Date

Click to the right of the field to select the return date for this car rental expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the General tab.

If the End Date is earlier than the Start Date, the system also displays an error message.

Start Location This field displays the start location.
End Location This field displays the end location.
Agreement Number

Enter up to 20 characters for an agreement number for this car rental expense.


Field Description
Check-In Date

Click to the right of the field to select the check-in date for this lodging expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the first wizard page. If the Check-In Date field is blank, an error message displays when you click Finish.

Check-Out Date

Click to the right of the field to select the check-out date for this lodging expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the first wizard page. If the Check-Out Date field is blank, an error message displays when you click Finish.

If the Check-Out Date is earlier than the Check-In Date, the system also displays an error message.

Number of Nights

Enter the number of nights for the lodging expense. The system calculates a default value by subtracting the Check-In Date from the Check-Out Date and adding 1 day. You are allowed to add 1 additional day to the default for the Number of Nights value. Any other number, however, causes an error message to display.


Field Description
Departure Date

Click to the right of the field to select the departure date for this transportation expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the first wizard page. If the Departure Date field is empty, the system displays an error message when you click Finish.

Return Date

Click to the right of the field to select the return date for this transportation expense. The default value is the Expense Date from the first wizard page. If the Return Date field is empty, the system displays an error message when you click Finish.

If the Return Date is earlier than the Departure Date, the system also displays an error message.

Ticket Number

Enter up to 20 characters for a ticket number for this transportation expense.


Enter up to 60 characters for the itinerary for this transportation expense.