Amount Tab

The Amount tab displays information regarding how much was spent, how payment was made, and ceiling information.

If you are allowed to correct processed expense reports, but are not allowed to enter corrections that would change the Expense Incurred amount, the following fields or buttons on the Amounts tab are disabled:

  • Delete
  • Expense Incurred
  • Currency (correcting this field would reset the Expense Amount to zero)

    Enter the information on this page in the currency in which the transaction occurred.

Tab Fields

Field Description
Payment Method

Use the drop-down box to select the method that was used to pay for this expense. The default pay method is determined by the expense type selected and how it was configured. The list of valid payment methods is determined by those set up for the expense type and those set up in the employees' Expense Classes screen.

Note: This field is non-editable for outstanding expenses.

Use the drop-down box to select the currency used to pay for this expense.

This field displays only if the expense type selected is configured to use multiple currencies and is non-editable for outstanding expenses.

This field does not display if you are allowed to correct processed expense reports, but are not allowed to enter corrections that would change the Expense Incurred amount.

Exchange Rate

This field displays the exchange rate for the selected transaction currency and the user's pay currency. You can change this rate if the Modify Exchange Rate check box is selected in the Expense Classes screen.

This field displays only if the expense type selected is configured to use multiple currencies and is non-editable for outstanding expenses.

Expense Incurred

Enter the full amount of the expense.

This may or may not be the amount that is reimbursed. Depending on how this expense type is configured, you may not be reimbursed for amounts that are over the ceiling amount. This field is non-editable for outstanding expenses.

This field does not display if you are allowed to correct processed expense reports, but are not allowed to enter corrections that would change the Expense Incurred amount .

(-) Personal

Enter the amount of the expense that is personal. This amount is not reimbursed.


Enter the amount that is deemed "Unallowable." This amount is reimbursed.

The term "Unallowable" is used by government contractors and government agencies to determine specific costs that must be subtracted from the financial statement bottom line. These amounts typically are routed to a separate General Ledger account for financial purposes only.

The term "Unallowable" is used by government contractors and government agencies to determine specific costs that must be subtracted from the financial statement bottom line. These amounts typically are routed to a separate General Ledger account for financial purposes only.

Reimbursable Expense

Time & Expense calculates this amount by subtracting from the expense incurred any amount that is over the ceiling and not reimbursed and by any personal amount.


This is a non-editable field. It is used as the "not to exceed" ceiling for this type of expense. The system calculates it on a per-day basis, meaning that, if the expense is for three days, the system multiplies the ceiling amount by three and displays the result here.

This field is empty if there is no ceiling for this expense.

Over Ceiling

This field displays the amount of the expense that is over the company-defined ceiling amount. Whether it is reimbursed or not depends on how the expense type is configured.


Supervisors with rights to modify their employees' expense reports can use this field to adjust the ceiling amount up or down depending on the expense and the explanations given. For all other users, this field is non-editable.

Adjusted Ceiling

This non-editable field displays the adjusted ceiling.


If the amount that is over the ceiling amount is NOT reimbursed, that amount displays in this field. If the amount is under the ceiling amount or if the over ceiling amounts are reimbursed, this field will be zero.

Exit In Wizard mode, click this to discontinue entering the current expense and return to the Expenses tab without saving your changes.
Back In Wizard mode, click this to return to the previous page.
Continue In Wizard mode, click this to proceed to next page. You may receive validation error messages before the Wizard can proceed.